
Parts and Vendor Data

Source: USA Information Systems, Inc.
A Defense/Federal Parts database consisting of more than 20,000,000 Part Numbers; 7,000,000 Stock Numbers; 550,000 Manufacturers Suppliers with many linked to Emails & URLs
A Defense/Federal Parts database consisting of more than 20,000,000 Part Numbers; 7,000,000 Stock Numbers; 550,000 Manufacturers Suppliers with many linked to Emails & URLs; More than 40 Data files from various DoD locations including DLA, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, GSA, NASA and more……

FLIS Segments A, B, C, E, H & V and H Series; MCRL, ML-C, I&S, Cancelled/Replaced/Obsolete Data, IL/FILDR with Drawings, MOE, H2, H6, H4/H8, CAGE, CCR, PRO-NET; Past Procurement Histories & Active Daily Solicitations from S9C, S9E, S9G, S9I, S9M, S9P, S9S, S9T, FFZ, FGZ, FHZ, FLZ, FPZ, AKZ, A12, B14, B16, B17, B64, N32, N35, MPB & ZQC; Parts Inventory Services; Digital Vendor catalogs; and other files such as NHA, MRIL, P2002, WUC, APLs, DO43, PAM2530, etc.

Vendor Content consists of 550,000 Active Companies with CAGE Codes; Addresses; Phone & Fax Numbers; Company PRO-NET Profiles; CCR Records; Link to DUNS; Links to companies' Emails & URLs with direct linking to content pages, catalogs (if applicable), Point of Contacts, etc.

Locate information on all companies that do business with DoD including company names; addresses; links to company's URL, Email and Catalog pages (Internet version only); Vendor Point of Contacts; phone/fax numbers; list of NSN/NIINs produced, assembled or supplied by; price of items sold; quantity sold; sold to who and when; Daily Bid Opportunities from DLA, Army, Navy & Air Force; Line drawings for quick identification.

Identify everything you need to know about an item such as: alternate interchangeable items; sources of supply; cost; purchase history; color; drawings; dimensions and item characteristics.

  • Search by Part (Reference) & Drawing Number: NSN, NIIN & NICN; Item Name Code; Standard Industrial Code; Company Name; CAGE Code; Vendor Name, City, State & Zip; Drawing Number; Line Drawing (image search); End Item; AAC; SOS/RIC; FSC; WUC Code; LIN; Title; Publication; Ship class; and much more...

  • Characteristic Parametric Search allows parametric searching on criteria such as dimension, size, frequency, material, even image searches and more...

  • Report Writer provides customized output to printer or file using most any combination of fields and files including dBase, Access and several other delimitated output formats.

  • Administration Tracking Features allow our multi-user subscribers to have full access and control of user functions, including tracking of usage, named users, logins and many other key features.

USA Information Systems, Inc., 1092 Laskin Road, Suite 208, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Tel: 757-491-7525; Fax: 757-491-7811.