
Parts Availibility

Source: USA Information Systems, Inc.
Along with our joint venture partners, USA brings together buyers and sellers of parts, equipment and services in the Aviation, Aerospace and Defense E-commerce marketplaces
Along with our joint venture partners, USA brings together buyers and sellers of parts, equipment and services in the Aviation, Aerospace and Defense E-commerce marketplaces!

USA Offers:

  • Data about 4,000 buyers and sellers in 70 countries
  • Data on 5 billion parts
  • 25,000 accesses every business day
  • Over 20 years of experience
  • 24-hour customer support

It is the fastest, most efficient way to locate and buy parts in the Aerospace and Defense Industries today. Chances are you can find the parts you need, fast!

Buyers use the service to:

  • Locate hard-to-find parts around the clock
  • Reduce inventory costs
  • Promote competitive pricing

As a buyer you can instantly see the location, quantity and condition of the parts you need. USA provides you the information to contact the supplier directly.

USA Information Systems, Inc., 1092 Laskin Road, Suite 208, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Tel: 757-491-7525; Fax: 757-491-7811.