Electronic Military & Defense was developed as a resource for engineers, program managers, project managers, and other professionals involved in the design and development of electronic and electro-optic systems for a wide range of defense and aerospace applications. Check out the digital edition of our latest issue for exclusive editorial on open architecture and standards applied to defense applications, overlooked EMC vulnerabilities, microfabrication, display technologies, and more.

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  • Account Receivables - Factoring Business practice today often involves extending terms to your customers
  • Equinox Analog Modem Pools The Analog Modem Pool is an affordable server-based alternative to expensive lan-based modem pools
  • Power Dividers

    Corry Micronics offers three main types of power dividers. These power dividers are the Wilkinson style, N connector communications power dividers, Broadband and Ultra-Broadband, SMA connector style and the reactive type power dividers...

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Security Software Citrix Extranet 2.0 is a new Virtual Private Network (VPN) Security software product that allows users to access applications over the Internet, Intranet, and Extranet...
  • COMET Software COMET enables you to predict the way sound radiates inside and outside of a product, simultaneously or separately
  • Shredder 505 Reliability -- Compact and styled to fit any office, these shredders have the features and power to make quick work of unneeded information and forms
  • Vinyl Strip Doors Verilon Strip Doors are made up of a series of overlapping, flexible vinyl strips that are transparent, odorless, and non-toxic, and they part only enough to let a person or truck pass through
  • Engine driven air compressors from 100 cfm to 1600 cfm Gasoline engine driven models utilize mass produced automotive engines providing superior parts availability