
Discovery, Visualization and Analysis System

Source: Raytheon Infrastructure Inc.
SilentRunner is a discovery, visualization and analysis system designed to detect and report the 70% of network threats that originate within an organization.
SilentRunner is a discovery, visualization and analysis system designed to detect and report the 70% of network threats that originate within an organization. This system is a passive system, meaning that it cannot be detected, does not affect network performance and does not take offensive action against deliberate attacks — system administrators must decide a course of action. It monitors both the flow of traffic throughout a network, as well as the nature of the traffic itself. Using proprietary algorithms that do not rely on keywords and are independent of language, it detects patterns to identify information of concern to the company.

The product empowers organizations to act against network vulnerabilities while they are occurring — before costly damage is done. Because it is a defensive tool, the system cannot stop activities; rather, it alerts network administrations to potential problems so they can take whatever action they deem appropriate. Since it uses algorithms to identify deviant traffic, it is less intrusive and more thorough than other security software products, which rely solely on reading the content of network traffic.

The SilentRunner solution enables network administrators to:
• Become proactive in assessing network weaknesses and in identifying optimum locations for implementing security measures.
• Identify potential traffic bottlenecks.
• Locate the existence of "backdoors."
• Reduce bandwidth usage and pinpoint illicit activity.

The system effectively completes the total network security suite when combined with firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

As a Discovery tool, the system allows a systems manager to quickly identify potential problems. Using the most advanced graphics, it provides Visualization of information flow across the network to determine the extent of a problem. As an Analysis tool, it can sequence events over hundreds of protocols to confirm system threats. The DVA solution provides real-time auditing and monitoring, replication of network activity and a variety of two and three-dimensional views to enhance the user's understanding of complex networks. In addition, it also can accept and analyze data captured by intrusion detection systems for a comprehensive security survey.

Raytheon Infrastructure Inc., Two World Trade Center, New York, NY 10048-0752. Tel: 212-839-1000; Fax: 212-839-2450.