
Heated Air Data Boom

Source: SpaceAge Control, Inc.
The new 100700-02 is a heated, straight nose air data boom that offers sub-sonic data collection of angle of attack, angle of sideslip, static pressure, and total (pitot) pressure
The new 100700-02 is a heated, straight nose air data boom that offers sub-sonic data collection of angle of attack, angle of sideslip, static pressure, and total (pitot) pressure. The air data boom can be used in a wide range of flightcraft applications including military attack and cargo aircraft; commercial aircraft; trainers; drones/RPVs/UAVs; helicopters; racing aircraft; and general aviation aircraft. The product is now being used in experimental aircraft, business jet, and helicopter applications.

Based on a heated probe wind tunnel tested to Mach 0.95, the heated air data boom is constructed from machined aluminum, stainless steel, and brass. The boom's heated probe is 28V DC powered (145 amps) and meets the requirements of MIL-T-5420B and SAE AS 393. The heated probe provides a heated, internal water trap and drain.

The angle of attack and angle of sideslip vanes use precision, long-life (20+ million shaft revolutions), dual ganged, conductive plastic potentiometers. Synchro output and dual vane configurations are optionally available.

The data boom weighs less than 6 lb and is approximately 30-in. long, and can be mounted on the nose, wingtip, or tail of an aircraft.

SpaceAge Control, Inc., 38850 20th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550. Tel: 661-273-3000. Fax: 661-273-4240.