Case Study

Just The Ticket - Sand Springs Police Department Implements Handheld Mobile Computers To Improve Officer Productivity And Safety

To serve and protect is just one of the many things the Sand Springs Police Department (SSPD) is tasked with on a daily basis. As the department’s officers report to work each day, citations are just one of the many ways they keep their population of 19,000 safe. But beyond safety, citations are also a way the city generates revenue.

A New Technology

“We were truly been behind the times in terms of our handwritten citation process,” said Mike Carter, SSPD Assistant Police Chief. “We looked to implement a new technology solution that would help us not only allow for better revenue collection, but offer better safety for both officers and residents.”

Saltus Technologies worked with SSPD to implement their digiTICKET eCitation software, coupled with the Intermec CN50 handheld. Under the new system, officers can easily capture defendant information by scanning the 2D barcode on the back of a driver’s license using the CN50 barcode scanner. Officers can then quickly complete a ticket and print it using thermal printers. The CN50 also allows the digiTICKET software to capture an electronic signature of the violator, photographs, GPS coordinates of the stop and even voice-directed notes by the officer. At the end of a shift, the officer uploads the citation information directly into the digiTICKET web application.

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