White Paper: Modernizing Tax And Revenue Management With EMC Captiva Intelligent Enterprise Capture
State and local government budgets depend on tax revenue. The faster returns can be processed, the faster tax payments can be put to work managing cash flow, investing excess cash for a return while remaining liquid enough to meet expenditures. When cash flow cannot be managed properly, policymakers are often forced to draw on balances in special revenue accounts or tap budget reserves. Even a one- or two-day reduction in return processing can have a dramtic impact on cash flow.
But many agencies are hampered by legacy systems and manual process that cannot manage the huge volume of tax information that still arrives in paper documents-despite the growing percentage of citizens and businesses that file their taxes online. All this unmanaged paper causes errors and lengthy processing delays, increases the potential for fraud, and makes it difficult to maintain high level of taxpayer service.
EMC® Captiva® intelligent enterprise caputre can deliver significant reductions in processing time for paper returns. By leveraging EMC Captiva solutions, revenue authorities can capture paper documents, transform their content into digital information, and store it in a secure repository, where it can be managed, searched, and retrieved. Tax return data is automatically extracted from paper forms, eliminating backlogs and processing delays, improving tax payer service, and enabling better cash management.
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