
Software Analysis Tool

Source: Trinity Millennium Group, Inc
TMGi-SAT is a software analysis tool that is designed to develop an application's profile by extensive variable and module documentation, plus dynamic mapping
TMGi-SAT is a software analysis tool that is designed to develop an application's profile by extensive variable and module documentation, plus dynamic mapping. The tool performs operations that include baseline inventory analysis and reporting; data dictionary creation and reporting; automatic flow charts; interactive impact analysis on application source code written in over 37 software languages; and automatic flowcharting of the logic flow of the total application.

According to the manufacturer, the tool can perform time-consuming practices automatically, processing code as it is sent and accepting a variety of software languages simultaneously. A copyrighted "parsing" algorithm is performed on all of the languages in a byte by byte analysis. In addition, variables, verbs, prepositions and syntax are captured, creating "tokens" for possible future language conversion or transformation processes. All software outputs are stored in MS Access tables for user access and manipulation. There are more than 1,000 tables created throughout the software's analysis process.

Trinity Millennium Group, Inc, 2424 Babcock Rd., Suite #300 San Antonio, TX 78229. Tel: 210-615-1606. Fax: 210-615-7719.