
Timekeeper Central®

Source: Kronos Incorporated
Your employees' time could be your company's most valuable and costly resource and the Timekeeper Central system helps you make the most of it
Your employees' time could be your company's most valuable and costly resource and the Timekeeper Central system helps you make the most of it. The system automates and streamlines the management, collection, and distribution of employee hours. It also simplifies the control of labor expense throughout the enterprise. More importantly, the system allows anyone who requires this business-critical data – Payroll, Human Resources, Finance, etc. – to access the information from anywhere in the organization.

Timekeeper Central software eliminates manual timesheets and timecards. It uses a calculation engine that applies complex pay rules consistently across your entire organization.

The system will automatically:

  • Record, total, edit, and report employee hours
  • Apply your company's work rules and policies fairly and accurately
  • Calculate the correct labor rates and prepare data for payroll
  • Generate on-demand, real-time reports for management analysis

Consistent application of pay rules and policies within your organization is key to controlling labor costs. Timekeeper Central allows you to track hours and wages by cost center, department, or job, and you can respond rapidly to changes in company policies and pay rules. The system captures all relevant labor data and applies the correct rules and policies when time-related events occur, such as arrival or departure from work, transfer from one department to another, etc.

Capturing this information as it happens is critical to produce an accurate payroll, track employee attendance, measure labor variances, and administer other time-related benefits – which is why the Timekeeper Central system is essential to your business.

Timekeeper Central's core functionality is enhanced with application modules that help you automate even more tasks and fully leverage the employee information in the database.