LoRise Oxidation Resistant Activated Carbons
Evoqua Water Technologies’ scientists have developed the LoRise process, a patented method to reduce the inherent potential for temperature excursion or exothermic reactions that may lead to carbon bed ignition in vapor phase applications.
Evoqua Water Technologies’ scientists have developed the LoRise process, a patented method to reduce the inherent potential for temperature excursion or exothermic reactions that may lead to carbon bed ignition in vapor phase applications.
The use of activated carbon in industrial vapor control systems to remove volatile organic compounds from process and ventilation air streams is very common. This adsorption process is exothermic (liberates heat) and will lead to a temperature rise within the carbon bed. A documented problem in some of these adsorption applications, however, is the formation of an excessive temperature rise that may lead to thermal runaway in the carbon bed.
While there are no foolproof methods to guarantee the prevention of carbon bed temperature excursions, Evoqua Water Technologies' scientists have developed the LoRise process, a patented (US Patent #6,425,941) method to reduce the inherent potential for the excessive liberation of heat in the carbon bed. Through the impregnation of selected activated carbons with Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), an antioxidant and free radical scavenger, the potential for excessive temperature excursions is greatly reduced.
Features and Benefits
- High VOC adsorption capacity
- Superior hardness minimizes attrition losses during handling, use, and service
- Easily reactivated for recycle and reuse
- Low pressure drop characteristics
- Backed by a strong QA/QC program
All VOCarb® LoRise activated carbons are extensively quality checked at our State of California certified environmental and carbon testing laboratory located in Los Angeles, CA. Evoqua’s laboratory is fully equipped to provide complete quality control analyses using ASTM standard test methods in order to assure the consistent quality of all VOCarb® LoRise carbons.
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